
Mrs. Betty Bowers: Things Republicans Are Going to Pretend to Care About Again

Jay C12/30/2020 12:24:54 pm PST

Weird thing I found over at Balloon Juice today: a Presidential Proclamation on the 850th Anniversary of the murder Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket.

It’s kinda/sorta ludicrous in a way (especially as Donald Trump would probably think “Thomas Becket” was a columnist for the Washington Post or something) - and it reads like Rod Dreher ghost-wrote it: half canned history lesson, half inapt RW boilerplate about “religious freedom” and “resisting tyranny”, etc.

Though one HAS to know that even if he did know the story, Trump would probably sympathize with Henry II: though he might think Henry’s suggestions for personnel replacement to be just a tad unsubtle. Maybe.