
Natalia Lafourcade: "María la Curandera"

Targetpractice6/09/2024 11:11:50 pm PDT

re: #79 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

WDTV-TV, Raleigh-Durham, NC (two days ago, 4:07)

The unregulated hotel industry strikes again, this time with MOAR SQUATS

[Embedded content]

Oh, we’re seeing this shit in the regulated hotel industry a lot as well. Ever since the eviction moratoriums were lifted in 2021 because everything was “back to normal,” we’ve not gone past a three month period without some broke-ass guest who’s managed to drag things out past the 90 day “residency” mark telling us to go screw ourselves because they can’t pay and won’t pay. Or begging us not to kick them out because “[my] kids will be on the street” if we go through with the eviction process. In fact, we’re currently in the process of dealing with a woman-beating SOB who’s actually come down here and told management that his lawyer told him that until the eviction process finishes we can’t deny him entry to his room…but please can he have some clean sheets, towels, and toilet paper.