
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

DistantThunder2/13/2009 6:20:14 pm PST

re: #37 zombie

Hannity is also on Fox’s payroll. He does what they tell him to do. Fox shows constantly do “cross-promotion” like this — it’s one of Fox’s hallmarks.

The decision came down: we need a buffoonish Christian on the air, to simaultaneously attract the attention of other buffoonish Christians and the attention of people who like to laugh a Christians. A win-win situation.

Sorta like professional wrestling — it appeals to the yahoos and to the people who watch it as camp.

Heck, I even used to watch Wally George and that other whackced out preacherr guy from the LA suburbs in the ’80s — for the sheer kitsch value. Huckabee is on that same level — except he doesn’t even realize it.

I would like to point out that Glenn Beck, who is LDS, (Mormon) like myself, is focusing on 12 core values:
Hard Work
Personal Responsibility

The point being that the more we improve ourselves along these lines the clearer our thinking will become, and we will make better decisions, while the values are something that creates a common bond among us regardless of our individual faith.

Mike Huckabee was the keynote speaker at a large anti-Mormon conference in Salt Lake City. I put much of the blame for Romney’s loss against McCain on Huckabee and the anti-mormon sentiment that he fomented.