
From Fish to Football

Skaught3/12/2009 1:07:41 pm PDT

I didn’t suggest that I was speaking on behalf of all Christians. But as a Christian, who knows other Christians, I do have an understanding of how the “Darwin Fish” is perceived. Having known people with the “Darwin Fish” on their cars, I also know the intent behind it as well.

“How many representations does it need” is irrelevant to the fact that the icthus does represent Christians in general, not just “anti-evolutionists”. I haven’t missed any point, since the mockery that the “Darwin Fish” implies is not as limited as you wish it to be. LGF may not intend it, but the symbol does mock Christianity in general since the icthus represents Christianity in general.

My point, that I think you’ve missed is, if LGF does not intend to mock Christinity in general, it’s best not to use a symbol that does that.