
Pizzagate: Not a Gate

Desert Dog4/11/2009 12:43:55 pm PDT

Obama has the luxury of the MSM running interference for him. These little “mini would-be scandals” should be ignored because there will be no traction given by the “herd” that is the MSM in this country. I am not concerned about this kinda stuff. I am very concerned about how Obama gets a pass on everything else. His “Grand Tour of Europe” was a disaster, but you would never know that by reading or listening to most of the media here in the USA. What is it about this man that makes otherwise intelligent people rationalize and explain away obvious shortcomings and mistakes? Is their quest for power and control that driving? Is there infatuation of Obama so deep? They had no problem nailing Bush for everything real and imagined. They had no problem at all demonizing and downgrading everything put forth by Bush or a Republican control Congress.