
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Steve Rogers5/18/2009 7:07:45 pm PDT

There seems to be a nearly 50/50 split in the U.S. politically. One the one side are those who advocate forced socialism (and even fascism*); and those on another side who technically advocate freedom for the individual but at the cost of science (evolution, vaccines, etc.) at the least to full-fledged theocracy at the most.

Those of us (myself included) who advocate freedom of the individual, but who are pro-science seem to be in the minority.

When we try to talk sense into those on the left, that forced government intervention is not the best way to help those truly in need, we are shouted down as “uncaring” (despite the fact that the political left is the least likely of all groups to donate to charity – can anyone say “projection”?) and they claim we are immoral and shout us down as not caring about the children.

When we try to talk sense into those on the right that evolution is a fact (or that vaccines do not cause autism, are safe and effective etc.) they claim we are immoral and shout us down as not caring about children.

Is there a reason for this nearly even split? Is it nature, nurture, a combination, what? What causes it? Can it be changed?

Bottom line: What can be done to reach both “sides” so that we can return to a freer society that also accepts and applauds science?

*This is NOT Godwin’s Law or reductio ad hitlerum, for two reasons: First, I did not say “Nazi” I said “fascist” and there is a difference between those two; and secondly, since by every textbook definition of fascism, many of the left’s ideas are clearly fascist in nature.