
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/01/2009 12:09:52 am PDT

re: #67 Gus 802

Ah. When you described her I immediately thought about my brother’s ex mom who was Italian. Knew her before they go married. Boy was she intimidating and quite the boss. In a good way though but she was a toughy and spoke her mind about things. She worked as a civilian in Fort Dix.

In my case the MCPO father generally left me alone. Rarely spoke to me but I think he was happy his daughter wasn’t with a complete loser (Judging by her bf’s before and after me, this was apparently a problem.) He didn’t seem to say much of anything actually.

Her mom was the one always on my case or in my face about shit. It wasn’t that she was outspoken, just more involved, and every time my gf was grounded or otherwise in hot water, it came down from her, not the father. She blackmailed me to do something rather heinous (IMO anyway) once in order that her daughter could continue seeing me.

When I was 17 years old I had nightmares about this woman. By the time my gf and I split up though I had made my peace with her.