
Overnight Open Thread

Liberal Classic4/28/2010 5:18:24 am PDT

re: #57 sattv4u2

And I’d rather they be discouraged from coming in the 1st place

Cart/ Horse

The only right way IMO for them to be discouraged into coming here would be for them to be encouraged to stay where they are. This means things must improve for them in their countries of origin. Personally, I’d like to see our southern neighbor’s economic and civil rights conditions improve. If they were more like us in this regard, there would be less need for them to come here. While there are some things the U.S. can do to help latin america, our options are limited in this regard. Even with U.S. help, it is really up to latin american people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

In the meantime, we must recognize that many people are fleeing crime, corruption, and oppression, as well as poor economic conditions. Rather than creating an atmosphere of hostility, it is better to foster a culture of responsibility and encourage legal residency.