
Barrett Brown Will Make Fun of Islam for Pageviews

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/07/2010 3:49:31 pm PDT

re: #65 Obdicut

A definitive statement that impossible things do not exist, however, is an acceptable one.

You can not definitively say that God is impossible.

And I think that you’re underestimating the importance of the synthesis of Buddhism and Shintoism that was in Imperial Japan, if you’re referring to WWII. Given that the status of Emperor as divine was one of the sticky points in negotiation, WWII Imperial Japan definitely had religion as a large component of its culture.

OK fine, say I give to you… You still have to find a way to make the Maoists, Stalinist, Khmer Rouge and Nazis religious. Good luck with that.

None of those are religious statements.

Those are all actually direct commandments. You are just wrong on that.

There’s great wisdom in the religious texts; you’re absolutely right about that. Everyone should read the Bible, though skimming in Kings is acceptable.

Lol, Kings does get a little dry in some places, but it some of the most historically verified accounting in the whole Bible.

Everyone should also read the Bhagavad Gita, I think.

And if you know some kaballah when you do, it is especially fascinating.