
Meet Arkansas GOP State Representative Loy Mauch

b_sharp11/16/2010 12:47:25 pm PST

re: #31 LudwigVanQuixote

PIMF without typos because it is important for me to say:

Something for legitimate Christians to take note of:

I am always very clear that I respect Christianity and I admire actual Christians. Actual Christians care about the world. They are humble, kind hearted, giving and forgiving. In short, they are people I, and everyone can learn from.

That said, lets talk about what being an actual “Christian” means for all too many.

The Confederate flag symbolizes a group that fought for its “right” to brutally enslave, degrade, dehumanize, rape, abuse, bull whip, terrorize and murder other human beings. It stands “the right” of subjecting those people to that condition and to be bred like animals and used as chattels since birth. It should never be seen as anything different than a swastika by civilized people.

It stands for perpetuating that sort of hatred, fear, greed and simple evil.

It stands for attempting to destroy the legitimate government of the United States.

All of this in the name of Jesus.

As someone from a culture that has felt all too much “Christian love” of a much less than loving variety, you know, pogroms, Inquisitions, generic massacres, places that won’t do business with us, quotas and yes, Germans, Poles and Russians- all that - it can sometimes be hard to distinguish Christianity from its history, particularly when we have so very many throwback “Christians” like this creature Loy Mauch make that history so much of the present reality for so many “Christians.”

I despise those types as much as Jihadis. There is little difference. They are both unwashed, ignorant, hate filled, racist bigots who are proud of their cruelty and ignorance.

In fact, lets be really clear. They are both cancerous abominations who profane the very concept of G-d.

Damn, you can rant.