
RIP: Civil Rights Hero Fred Shuttlesworth

mr.fusion10/05/2011 8:06:05 pm PDT

re: #69 Naso Tang

I know what they stand for, as do you. Just because they don’t have the skills to express that in traditional political form makes it no less relevant.

It’s not about “traditional political form,” it’s about knowing what the actual goals are

I heard an interview with a guy earlier who said “We’re part of the 99% so we’re against everything the other 1% is for.” If that’s the case then count me out……

Now, if they’re able to focus their energy on working within this great, yet flawed, system we have then I’m behind them 100%. If they want to get the money out of politics (step one) then I’d like to see them put some representatives up for election in contests where they’re unhappy with the incumbent….I’d like to see them out knocking on doors and working against the money by putting leather to asphalt, making phone calls, answering phones.

I had a friend of mine earlier try to compare this Occupy Wall Street protest with the Arab Spring…..they’re getting together tomorrow in my town and he was debating whether or not to go because he didn’t want to be too tired when he went to work. “Brosef” I said, “If this was the Arab Spring you’d be debating whether or not you would be going because you wouldn’t be sure if you’d be getting a bullet in the head or thrown in prison….not whether or not you were going to be tired at work later on.” Same thing with comparing OWS with the Civil Rights movement…..those comparisons need to stop.

Of course I hate the income disparity we’re seeing now…..but I’m not throwing my hat into a ring with a group of people until I know exactly where they stand and what the means are that they are prepared to use in order to reach those ends.