
Video: Rachel Maddow Destroys the Right Wing Myth That Women Don't Get Paid Less

NJDhockeyfan5/01/2012 6:54:29 am PDT

Students to Leave Class to Conduct Occupy-Style Event

Students from Sequoia High School and Woodside High School are planning to leave school during their lunch hour today for a student strike against the 1 percent.

They will convene at Red Morton Park for a picnic and afternoon of speaking out, information sharing and free education. Occupy Redwood City will be on hand to assist them with literature and statistics.

“It’s really important that they start being politically active,” said James Lee of Occupy Redwood City. “[These students] are 18 or going to be 18, so they’re the next generation of voters.”

For extra credit they will be taught how to bust up windows and shit in bank hallways.