
Fortune Obtains Bain Documents 'Supporting' Romney

TedStriker7/12/2012 2:22:34 pm PDT

re: #73 iossarian

My own (fairly short) experience in corporate America is that there is still a spectrum of ethical behavior. I met several business leaders who I truly believe would work hard for their company and not try to gain personal advantage other than the “normal” compensation they would be awarded.

But unfortunately, those guys are in a losing battle with the Romneys of this world, because when you behave ethically in a system like the one we have today, you are playing against a stacked deck.

re: #68 Kragar

To some extent, this has always been true, but the difference is that in the past, the regulatory system had enough teeth to take out the worst offenders, and keep most people in line.

The rub is that the unethical fucks have thrown enough money into our political process over the years as to mostly neuter the regulations and regulatory agencies that kept them in check, especially in the financial sector.

The GOP (and the glibertarians) is in league with them and the Democrats don’t have the collective backbone to push back; if that doesn’t change, we are well and truly fucked.