
Jon Stewart on the Epic Fox News Election Night Meltdown

Rightwingconspirator11/08/2012 4:18:28 pm PST

Right this minute I’m glad Romney is not the elect.

It comes out today that Iran fired on an American drone in international airspace. Maybe (my bet) they just wanted to register a shot across the bow and see how well our Predator could fly doing ACM. Maybe they were bad shots, but I doubt that. That smells of somebody believing too much of their own bigoted bullcrap. And kudos to President Obama for keeping this close until after the vote!

oops did I just shout?

My food for thought question is how seriously should we even take that? It’s a drone. Has the same humanity as a toaster. And we don’t want an escalation, OMG.

On the harsh side we have the fact of shots fired over international waters. Critical airspace. Critical waters.