
Man Who Helped Sandy Hook Kids Is Harassed by Conspiracy Theorists

Birth Control Works1/15/2013 12:16:40 pm PST

re: #77 Shiplord Kirel

Thanks for the promotion.

I really think the conspira-liars have gone too far this time. Vile accusations against government officials are one thing, similarly victimizing grief-stricken parents is something else again.

These people are true sociopaths, devoid of empathy or even shame.

I have said before that I think we are in the early stages of a surge in human evolution. Human life has changed with breathtaking speed in recent centuries, even within my life-time. A great many atavistic traits and behaviors that were tolerable, if not exactly beneficial, in earlier stages of development have now become existential threats. The loathsome sadism and infantile power-seeking of the conspiracy liars are examples. The natural response will be what it has been for a billion years, those traits will be eliminated.

Homo Sapien is sapien because he said “I am” (well, really he said, I have a pee pee, isn’t it awesome)

With the stress on the “I”. (in both cases)