
And Now Governor Jindal, Thread 2

Stonemason2/24/2009 8:42:50 pm PST

re: #767 Afrocity

That really means nothing if no one sees it.

Bingo. The premise of my little rant, I do my part here, you do your part in your part of the world, someone elseā€¦and down the line. One of us is going to catch the lightning and be thrust on the stage, a bigger stage, and if the message is one of inclusion and honesty, it will reverberate no matter where it is spoken.
You mention people who feel the current GOP does not understand or identify with certain heritages, my problem is that Mr. Obama did not either, and they elected him.

I have had this discussion a few times, it turns out we have things in common with each other (not you and me, but people in general) that we can talk about. Our kids, our lives, and our jobs.
When we can get past the color, past the sex, past the religion, it will work, it has worked.

Keep talking to your neighbors, when they begin to understand that yo do care, they will begin to learn.