
The GOP and Creationism

Old Tanker2/23/2009 7:55:34 pm PST

re: #17 zombie

If there was ever a time to “clean house” on the conservative side, this is it.

We just had an election. The Republicans got stomped. There isn’t another election for 2 years; and not another Presidential election for 4 years. This is in fact the correct moment to “air the dirty laundry,” as Charles is doing, because it will have the least effect electorally.

Both sides, in fact (Dem and Repub) need to “clean house,” but the Dems are smug and aren’t doing it, because they think they don’t need to. Good. We’ll clean house, come back leaner and meaner next time, and embarrass them for their unfortunate associations.

I just don’t see it that way. The Republicans got stomped because they were spending as bad as Democrats……until recently. Never did I hear anything about ID, Creationism, Darwinism or anything like it come up in any election, zilch. Get rid of creationists………and it won’t mean squat, it’s not barking up the wrong tree….it’s barking up an irrelevant tree.