
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

DeafDog1/07/2009 12:43:39 pm PST

re: #786 transient

Who said they were more prone to being gay?
No one’s supplied the total numbers, so we have no idea what the percentages are. And even if the numbers are somewhat exaggerated, in the context of a war on Islamic terrorism, why should we lose even one translator because of it?

So now the big experiment is needed to save 1 translator for the US Army? Are you serious?

Many of these translators are extremely patriotic towards America (even the Iraqi born ones). They do it to get the green card and to get relocated here. They ran a story in the Dallas Morning News a while back that resettled locally and it was heartwarming stuff.

Suppose, however, that there were some who started doing it for the cash, realized that they could get paid more by Exxon and wanted out. How could they do that? They could say they are gay and get their discharge. I’m suspicious of this scenario. In any case, in the military, the individual is not more important than the whole. If you want to ‘express’ yourself, stay in civilian life.