
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

ShanghaiEd7/05/2009 11:10:54 pm PDT

re: #777 iceweasel

My issue with this line of thought is this: How many of us here think that a list of our professors at university, or reading the papers we wrote at university, would tell anyone anything substantial about who we are now and what we think?

How many of us wrote papers while at university that represented nothing more than our ability to get an A?

Or perhaps a paper that proves nothing more than that we’d been doing other things all night and wrote the paper at the last minute?

And for some of us, I bet we wrote papers that fall into both those categories. I certainly did.

I’d sure hate for any of my college work to turn up in public. Apparently all the other candidates felt the same way; did any of them open their college records up to the public?

I guess the reason I feel a double standard here is that, for years, anybody who did well in college was called an “elitist” and an “egghead” by GOP pundits. President Bush referred to himself as a C student and got applause. John McCain said he ranked 894th in a class of 899 and nobody suggested it should be held against him, or insinuated that he somehow got favorable career treatment because his father was an admiral.

Why do we suddenly need an academic whiz in charge of things? What changed?