
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Liberal Classic6/02/2009 2:26:11 pm PDT

re: #807 Kenneth

No, that is not the discussion I was involved in. Charles asked me for references to back up my assertions about the reasons for abortions. That I did. The minutia about when an abortion is called “late term” differs by jurisdictions and is irrelevant to my part in the discussion. You are attempting to insert a whole new set of goalposts into an already running debate.

I respectfully disagree. I’ve been following this discussion. The trimester when the abortion occurs has been an important point from the beginning. I am not trying to “insert a new set of goalposts”.

If anything, I think you shifted the your discussion away from late term towards all abortions mid-stream. It seems like to me you’re trying to broaden the discussion in order to paint elective abortion in a bad light. Thus Charles’ assertion that mothers who elect to abort do not do so frivolously. There was an unspoken attack in your post mothers who elect to have legal abortion with the same stigma of the late term abortions.