
Overnight Open

aussiemagpie4/13/2009 7:42:32 am PDT

re: #787 Mich-again

There was a story in the local fishwrap over the weekend about a blind Muslim girl whose family would not allow her to have a guide dog, so she is trying the next best thing. A guide horse. Yep a horse. Oh its a mini-horse about 3 feet high, but still I wouldn’t want the thing dropping road apples in the aisle at the store.

The worst part is after the initial story, the paper removed the detail about how their Muslim faith prevented them from allowing a guide dog into the family. They changed it to a line about how the horse was a better match for their culture.

And then they tried to pass off the 3 foot high horse as weighing 125 pounds. Ha. My arse. Maybe 125 kg.

I give the young lady a lot of credit for wanting her independence. But brickbats for her parents who put their cult above their daughter.

Goodness! A horse instead of a guide dog?

That story just highlights what is so wrong with the cult of Islam and also how our very fair attitude enables the spread of religious ignorance in our culture