
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

SixDegrees5/05/2009 11:45:05 pm PDT

re: #734 Hanoch

If you would prefer that those who are socially conservative not post their views on your blog, just say so. I don’t think there is any need to be rude.

How about starting by being honest yourself: there’s no such thing as “social conservatism.” The agenda pushed by the religious right is the antithesis of Conservatism. Conservatism stands for small government and individual responsibility. The religious right wants to toss individual responsibility - and individual freedom - on the trash heap, and impose it’s own moral order on the entire nation. It aspires to severely restrict and constrain all manner of activities which any Conservative would quickly identify as matters of personal liberty.

Trying to hide this agenda behind a label of conservatism is an odious lie.

The Dems, meanwhile, are all too happy to conflate these two opposing views.