
Absurd Anti-Evolution Lawsuit Denied by Supreme Court

Sharmuta3/25/2009 1:06:32 pm PDT

re: #816 jimc

Pretty misleading of you to leave out the key finding:

The most surprising difference found between the two populations was the discovery, in the Pod Mrčaru lizards, of cecal valves, which slow down food passage and provide fermenting chambers, allowing commensal microorganisms to convert cellulose to nutrients digestible by the lizards. Additionally, the researchers discovered that nematodes were common in the guts of Pod Mrčaru lizards, but absent from Pod Kopište P. sicula, which do not have cecal valves. The cecal valves, which occur in less than 1 percent of all known species of scaled reptiles, have been described as an “evolutionary novelty, a brand new feature not present in the ancestral population and newly evolved in these lizards

Explain the cecal valves, jimc.