
NY Writer Says She Was Visited by a Terrorism Task Force for Googling Pressure Cookers

Blind Frog Belly White8/01/2013 1:22:38 pm PDT

re: #77 Mattand

You know what’s fun? When a RWNJ mouth breather complains about illegals in the ER, ask them if you think the hospital is morally okay with refusing them treatment. Since any given RWNJ is religious, also ask them if Jesus would be okay with that.

They almost always back down. Same thing happens when you force them to a “yes” or “no” on whether women who have abortions, or the doctors who perform them, should be jailed. To a person, they shuffle their feet, look at the ground and say “No, but…”

Which is the same as “Yes” as far as I’m concerned.

Interestingly, I’d bet you’ll find a lot of wingnuts who think the doctors who perform abortions should be jailed - after all, they commit murder! - but few who would want that for the women seeking them.

I’ve pointed out that we punish the people who hire hired killers, and at that point they usually go silent.