
Saturday Acoustic Virtuoso: Tommy Emmanuel, "Halfway Home"

sagehen11/09/2013 8:53:29 pm PST

re: #80 wheat-dogghazi

I peeked at Twitter just a few minutes ago and caught the latest Prudence nonsense. Can someone sane confirm or deny whether thousands of people have lost health insurance because of the ACA?

My relative is still going on about how “Obamacare” is the end of the free world and he’ll never vote Democrat ever again, even if Hillary runs for prexy.


Plans that aren’t ACA-compliant were grandfathered in; if you had the plan continuously since before the law was passed, the gov’t won’t require they be cancelled.

However, since those plans can’t sign up new people, and they can’t throw you off if you get expensively sick, the insurance companies are deciding OF THEIR OWN VOLITION, for FREE-MARKET ECONOMIC REASONS, to cancel many such plans. People who get cancellation notices, the letters also say (*all of them*), “here is another plan we offer that we’d be happy to roll you into at $X/mo, effective the date the old plan closes”. The letters don’t mention that people could also, if they’re aware of it, go to the exchange and see if there’s another plan they might like better, or at a better price, or if they qualify for subsidies.