
New Bombshell From the Intercept: GCHQ Asked NSA for Something, We Don't Know if They Got It

CuriousLurker4/30/2014 12:45:47 pm PDT

re: #63 Sionainn

I’m wondering if any Muslims on the page would contact me. I have a few questions I’d like to ask about your religion. My sister married a Muslim guy from Algeria who she met online and now she’s telling me some stuff that I’m thinking is kind of hinky. I’d like to get a normal Muslim’s opinion. :-)

I’ll be glad to contact you and answer any questions I can, but the little widget that’s supposed to let me send you an email isn’t cooperating with me.

Do me a favor, go to what is now my mostly defunct WP blog and leave a comment and your email there. The comments all go into a queue to await moderation, so no one besides me is going to see whatever you leave.