
Bundy Ranch Terrorists Issue Bomb Threats, Intimidate City Council Meeting, Attempt to Set Fire to Cars

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/02/2014 7:42:26 pm PDT

Get this:

Koch brothers decline invitation to debate climate change

A group supporting the political views of retired billionaire investor Tom Steyer bought a full-page color advertisement Friday in The Wichita Eagle — the Koch brothers’ hometown newspaper — inviting the brothers to a public debate on climate change.

The brothers, Charles and David, don’t plan to take him up on it.

“We are not experts on climate change,” wrote Koch spokeswoman Melissa Cohlmia in an e-mail Friday afternoon. “We do believe there should be free and open debate on the climate issue and it should be based on sound science and intellectual honesty.

“The debate should take place among the scientific community, examining all points of view and void of politics, personal attacks and partisan agendas.”


The Koch bros. just want a “free and open debate”, that’s all.

Why do you all hate them?