
Family Values Anti-Gay GOP Politician Outed After Sending Dick Pic to Another Man on Grindr

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/28/2015 6:43:34 pm PDT

A little light amusement from the freeper conspiracy mob:

Are Obamaphones being used to mobilize the mobs?

This is total conjecture on my part, but as we watch all these cities going up in flame, and we see massive amounts of people showing up and being bussed in (quite organized), I’m wondering if all those Obamaphones are being used by the regime to text coordinates, instructions, etc. What else could explain these organized riots?

Along with military exercises and government ammo purchases, the so-called Obama phone is yet another example of the far right giving the familiar and routine a sinister spin simply by pretending that it is new and unprecedented. The program in fact dates back at least to President Reagan though it provided only land lines until about 2010.