
GotNewsDotCom Identifies Wrong Woman as Wife of Garland, TX, Shooter

Alyosha5/05/2015 7:24:07 am PDT

I managed to bite my tongue at lunch the other day as two co-workers utterly unaware of their own white, Christian privilege ‘discoursed’ on the Muslim issue.

Red flag the first: they did not refer to Muslims as such. They instead called them ‘those people’. As if not saying the word supported their opening and self-reassuring statement to one another that ‘I’m not a racist…’
Red flag the second: the forgoing sentence fragment was immediately followed by the word ‘but’.
Red flag the third: the phrase ‘we are being overrun’ was used. Again, who ‘we’ refers to was not mentioned as I can only assume that for the consumption of those present (white or otherwise raised Christian), it was merely shorthand.

I did not challenge them as to how exactly a Muslim population of perhaps a half-million, according to 2013 census results, threatens to overrun the remaining 22-odd million with our antipodean form of ‘creeping sharia’. I can only suppose that they lumped into their fearful calculations those other hordes of brownish outlanders who now call themselves citizens, all the while practicing dark heathen rituals and refusing to take part in such conspicuous and patriotic acts like Easter and Christmas.

Gasp! Dontcha just hate it when people reveal their inner bigot and all those pleasant interactions you’ve had with them up until that point turn to shit?
Oh well.