
Sunday Jam: Funny New Video From Darwin Deez: "Kill Your Attitude"

Charles Johnson9/13/2015 1:56:51 pm PDT

re: #63 EPR-radar

12/12 here, but since I never cook, I knew the boiling water question via general science.

An amusing footnote to this quiz is that I first saw it mentioned on RedState, when the author there tried to argue that the quiz was invalid because of the wording of some of the questions (e.g., alleged redundancy of including light wave and radio waves on the same list since they are both EM waves).

In other words, hyper-techanical parsing bullshit from a RWNJ who is deeply threatened by the fact that empirical truths good enough for all practical purposes can be discovered, and that science is the way to do so.

I had to go find that article, and it’s hilarious: Pew Gets Its Science Wrong in Attempting to Bash Americans | RedState

Right, that evil Pew Institute, bashing Americans again!

To put “radio waves” and “light waves” as multiple choice options, marking one right and one wrong, shows only the ignorance of the person making the test.

Uh, no. Radio waves are at a much lower frequency than light waves, which is why we have two different terms for them. Cell phone signals use radio wave frequencies, not light wave frequencies. There’s a difference. The question wasn’t ignorant.

This has to be one of the most pitiful attempts at a persecution grievance whine I’ve seen.