
Sarah Palin Applauds Brexit Vote: "The EU Is a One World Government Mini-Me!"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/24/2016 7:37:59 pm PDT

re: #71 Teukka

Upding for old Military info/education reels :)

After the Forrestal fire, the Navy decided that every person needed to go through firefighting training. When you are on a ship and there is a fire, there is no place to run.

In the case of the Forrestal, the ship was nearly lost after nine major explosions ripped across the flight deck in the first few minutes.

I’ve had the pleasure of going through both aviation and shipboard firefighting schools and requalifications. (I cannot work for my village volunteer fire department because of epilepsy, so I work there doing things not related to fighting fires, such as cleaning the fire station and serving food during fundraisers.)