
The Bob & Chez Show: The Trump Suicide Vest

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/30/2016 10:25:06 pm PDT

re: #79 Jason Munro

LOL! I checked out wesearchr for the first time in response to this. I laughed hard. Really hard. My favorite bit is the oddly named “Wildcard” page. If you are overwhelmed by the number of “bounties” (there are 28 by my count), you can just donate directly. Ain’t that downright friendly! My folk only go to 20, in sofar as numberin goes.

Also the graphic on that page is priceless. Not in the “it can’t be measured by wealth” way, more of the “by definition ‘price’ implies a value more than 0” kind of way.

The whole premise is daft, and the execution of it more than a little shady. These people are entrusting their credit card information with these two dudes, and assuming the donations are actually being used as they say they are.

There are no refunds, BTW. If a particular project is not funded by the deadline, donations to that project get put into the general pool.

Also, despite what Chuck has stated in interviews and on his blog, WeSearchr is not promising to shield anyone from the law. If the cops or the sheriff come a-knocking, WeSearchr will give up names to protect their own skins.