
Acoustic Guitar Excellence: The Prodigy, Luca Stricagnoli

Joe Bacon ✅3/04/2018 8:17:32 am PST

re: #73 Eclectic Cyborg

Wow. I already knew George Wallace was a dick but this:

“She made her gubernatorial race carrying a tragic secret: she had been diagnosed with cancer as early as April 1961, when her surgeon biopsied suspicious tissue that he noticed during the cesarean delivery of her last child. As was common at the time, her physician told her husband the news, not her. George Wallace insisted that Lurleen not be informed. As a result, she did not get appropriate follow-up care. When she saw a gynecologist for abnormal bleeding in 1965, his diagnosis of uterine cancer came as a complete shock to her. When one of her husband’s staffers revealed to her that Wallace had discussed her cancer with them, but not her, during his 1962 campaign three years earlier, she was outraged.”

Motherfucker sacrificed his own WIFE because he was so determined to hold on to power.

Before he died Drew Pearson went after George Wallace about this. Pearson was a pit bull turned up to 11 when it came to him. Pearson also alleged that Wallace was discharged from the military due to psychiatric reasons.

But then Wallace was following the Orville Faubus playbook. Faubus started with the Socialist Party in Arkansas and then he turned hard core segregationist. Wallace followed the same template. When he lost the Alabama Governor’s race in 1958, Wallace said he would never be “Out-N-Word-ed” again. More than anyone except Nixon, Wallace is the reason why America shifted so violently to the right…