
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Jay C5/08/2020 6:20:39 am PDT

re: #70 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Trump knows that if he tries this, Biden will have an ad with Trump’s baseball team number of accusers.

Yeah, Trump’s response was (quite uncharacteristically) pretty logical: sex-related accusations are probably the last thing he wants to get out into public discussion; though I’m sure Trump’s team will find enough other sewage to pump out into the campaign…

BTW: (vis dKos) an interesting take on the Tara Reade flap from Laura McGann at Vox (a reporter to whom Reade has been flogging her story for a year): The agonizing story of Tara Reade. Though just in my personal analysis, the only real “agonizing” seems to be in Ms. McGann’s reluctance to call bullshit on Tara’s tall tale: RTWT, YMMV (as they say…..)

To me, the core of the “accusation” against former-VP Biden is that, basically, he is a product of a different era with considerably different attitudes towards (what we now recognize and condemn as) “sexual harassment” - and gender-related behavior in general - though by, say, Bob Packwood standards, Joe has been a thorough gentleman, regardless.