
Got Live if You Want It: Trump Press Conference, Featuring Extra BS

retired cynic8/23/2020 3:52:01 pm PDT

Biden and Harris Believe You Deserve Sanity in Your Daily Lives, The Rude Pundit

Just a nice review of both their DNC speeches.

Everyone is talking about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s speeches at the Democratic National Convention this past week as being a return of empathy or decency, but I’d go one further with another overarching theme: “Remember sanity?” It was truly like watching a funhouse mirror version of our reality, except it took the warped world around us and made it look natural again. It was honestly like you could exhale and not just wonder what insane shit might follow after the last round of insane shit.

That was what Biden and Harris imparted: a sense that we could possibly exist in a normal nation, one that wasn’t constantly on the brink of exploding in violence or just collapsing into itself, unable to bear the weight of one man’s insatiable ego. Harris vividly described our national anxiety: “We’re at an inflection point. The constant chaos leaves us adrift. The incompetence makes us feel afraid. The callousness makes us feel alone. It’s a lot.” Then she went full inspirational speaker: “And here’s the thing: We can do better and deserve so much more.”

When Republicans and the right-wing commentariat declared that Biden and Harris and the whole DNC were “angry” or presenting a “dark” perspective on the nation, it’s bullshit because they weren’t angry at the United States. They were angry at how dark Trump and the GOP have made the country. It would be ludicrous not to be angry, and the whole thing could have been 100 times angrier and still not approached the level of anger that the bastards deserve.

Because the implication of the showing of empathy is that Trump treats us with antipathy, the implication of the fostering of decency is that Trump is indecent, and the implication of the return of sanity is that Trump is insane.

Essentially, Biden and Harris are promising that we can take one fucking terrible thing off the table: the thought that our government is actively, intentionally harming us just for shits and giggles. And then we can work to actually make things better. At this point, goddamn, that’s enough.