
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc2/16/2009 12:15:42 am PST

re: #46 BatGuano

GMSC: Tell me about that Youtube thing. How you do that you tube that you do so well? I copy and paste and it doesn’t work.

Step 1: When you find a video you wish to post, make sure that it’s embeddable. Look in the “Embed” box. As long as it doesn’t say “Embedding diabled by request” or something similar, you’ll probably be OK in the next steps. This video will embed, and this one won’t (look at the embed boxes of both)

Step 2: If you’re getting your link from a video on another site, it will probably have a lot of extraneous garbage on it. For example, here’s a video I copied verbatim from another site - check out the web address and how long it is!

When posting to LGF, trim these long addresses by getting rid of the first “&”, and everything after it in the address! Here’s the same link I just referred to, but trimmed and ready for LGF. Look at the address bar, and notice how much unneeded stuff was removed.

Step 3: Preview! Preview! Preview!

I’ve noticed when posting LGF videos, when placed in the middle of text, they tend to show up just as links, instead of the videos themselves. Use preview to find out how your video is going to look, and whether it will work. If it shows up as just the link, move it to the bottom or top, and see if it turns into the video there.