
'Proud Racist' Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

Desert Dog5/02/2009 9:21:46 am PDT

re: #63 danrudy

This is news because it is rare. It is abhorrent , but not quite such a common event. However, Muslims bombing synagogues etc is so commonplace that it hardly merits a mention anymore.

These BNP scumbags are bad enough. There is no room for any of their ilk in a civilized society. That being said, if you want to see a group that actually blows up mosques, don’t look at stupid idiots like Neil MacGregor and his kind who boast and make idiotic claims and threats. Look at OTHER MUSLIMS. They are the ones more likely to blow up Muslims and mosques. These guys talk big, but usually don’t do anything because they are cowards and punks. If you want to see an actual group that will kill Muslims and blow up things, look in Iraq at the Sunni Baathists, or in Pakistan or the Taliban or in Somalia. Those guys have killed more Muslims than any white supremists group. They are killing each other right now, at this moment, and will continue to do so because that is a hatred that is so deep and strong, it will never go away.