
Onion: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

Escaped Hillbilly1/15/2010 8:40:23 pm PST

re: #52 marjoriemoon

The argument for “pro-choice” (which is not anti-life, btw) is that a woman has legal choices available to her. Legal abortion creates safe abortions. It doesn’t create less abortions.

Ok, but I didn’t say any of what you seem to think I said. I said it isn’t fair to dismiss people who feel that children/fetuses/human life should be protected and that death occurs when an abortion is performed don’t have to get an abortion. That silly dismissal misses the point. They want to protect human life. If you feel the fetus is a human life needing protecting, it does not make sense to say “only mine” obviously, they want to save all babies. PS I am prochoice. I never said pro choice was anti life. You are trying to pull the old “if you not with me, or agin me” crap. And your last 2 sentences make no sense in context. If I knew what exactly you were trying to say and I would happily reply.