
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

alexknyc2/10/2010 7:21:34 pm PST

re: #75 albusteve

beats me…you specifically picked out the TPs as being “not concerned Americans”…when frankly most Americans are not concerned in that they have no clue as to who Kos or Ron Paul is…there is plenty to spread around, and if you are in the middle somewhere you are certainly being ignored…until it’s time to vote get used to it…the moderate people in this country get used, and they do it to themselves

The convention seems to have been a hotbed of conspiracy theorists, birthers and others generally outside mainstream American political thought.

This seem to me to be somewhat different than actual conservatism.

As for me, I’m a social liberal and a fiscal and foreign policy conservative. Who speaks for me?

Not the teabaggers with their “back to the stone age” social agenda.

Not the liberals with their “how do we get the world to love us” foreign policy.

And certainly neither political party with their addiction to spending money we don’t have.