
Fantastic Four #48, Debut of the Silver Surfer

Cato the Elder3/27/2010 8:17:18 pm PDT

re: #62 Floral Giraffe

And in a effort to promote THE COOKBOOK, and, well, stirr up some dirt, A repost from the last thread.
Get your drink mixing Saturday hats on!
With pleasure.

[enters Forum, accompanied by lictors]

O Romans! Hear me! It has come to my attention that the dearth of satirical cocktails is having a deleterious effect on public morale. Herewith I beseech, nay, demand, that our creative classes do more for mockery, ridicule, and butthurt.

[adjusts toga, exits Forum to cries of “that’s all very well, Consul, but what about us plebes who can’t even afford posca!?” Cato takes no notice, whilst lictors lay about them with fasces.]

Thanks, FG.

For those who missed it, here’s the original call for contributions:

Since the new LGF Cookbook is about to make its debut, I’ve come up with an idea for a companion volume.

The LGF Book of Snarky Cocktails.

I already created one on the last thread. Lizards are hereby invited to send their contributions to Reine (with your permission, of course, My Queen!). They can be anything at all, named after anyone at all, but must contain a healthy dash of ridicule to be considered for publication.

Perhaps we can even persuade the estimable Jaunte to donate his creative talents for another cover.

Here’s something to get you started. (Warning: don’t have too many of these at one go, or you could find yourself suddenly unable to hold up your end of a debate. Or even get it up to begin with.)

So, without further ado, I present:

The Defenseman

Two measures of milksop juice.
Three measures of hundred-proof, distilled cowardice.
Shaking and quaking, no stirring, please.
Top with a dash of of Amaretto, for that hint of cyanide, and garnish with a small, wrinkled cocktail pickle.

Note: Best served with flaccid little wieners and French mustard.

Reine and Jaunte have agreed to act as editor and art director, respectively.

Your input, Lizards, is hereby mockingly solicited!