
A Security Lapse in Philadelphia

Dark_Falcon10/10/2010 7:52:45 pm PDT

Here’s one for those of you who live in Cali:

Rudy Giuliani: Meg Whitman will take on public unions, cut spending to bring back Calif.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Locked in a fight for centrist voters, Meg Whitman turned to fellow Republican moderate Rudy Giuliani on Sunday to help make her case that she will heal California’s economy and transform Sacramento by slashing government spending and lowering taxes.

Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate, told cheering Whitman supporters in a Los Angeles hotel that electing Democrat Jerry Brown would be a step backward in a state with a double-digit unemployment and a financial crisis in state government. He depicted Brown as a vestige of failed Democratic policies who hadn’t earned a return trip.

But here’s the interesting part:

While Whitman was happy to have Giuliani at her side, she won’t be joining another GOP luminary this week: Sarah Palin. Whitman will not attend a high-profile GOP fundraiser in Orange County this week where Palin is the headliner — her campaign says she has other commitments that day.

A recent Field Poll found Palin is not a popular figure in California — about two of three independents said they would be less likely to support a candidate endorsed by the former Alaska governor.