
Religious Right Groups Call on CPAC to Eject GOProud, Like Buckley Ejected the John Birch Society

b_sharp11/23/2010 11:19:34 am PST

re: #63 SanFranciscoZionist

The guy who teaches seventh-grade religion at the school I’m at tries to tell the kids that there’s a difference between ‘true’ and ‘truth’. In other words, he tells them, is it true that once upon a time there was one man and one woman in a garden? No, almost certainly not. But is it the truth that we are all one human race? Is it the truth that we diminish ourselves when we turn against God? Yes, it is.

They’re twelve. They don’t totally get it.

That’s because our culture has stressed Truth™ as something with a deeper more meaningful effect on our lives and true as something, backed by some evidence, that may or may not be important to our everyday lives. This means that Truth™ does not have to have evidence behind it, just a putative important influence on how we view and react to our human lives.

Kids want to look at things in clearly differentiated form because it makes learning easier, so to them truth is just true.

Back to what that teacher says, I agree with the italicized, but disagree with the bolded, ideas. My opinion is that we will eventually grow out of the need for a god.