
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

elizajane12/02/2010 10:27:22 am PST

re: #62 publicityStunted

It reminds me of when you said the following:

But it’s not an “irony” at all - it makes perfect sense. These old fossils will be dead before the worst of AGW hits, so why should they care about the suffering of those who won’t? Quite simply, they don’t.

Yes, that’s true. My partner has given a number of lectures on climate change to groups of retirees because 1) they vote and 2) they need to be made to care about their grandchildren.

Of course, my father went to one of those lectures and said, “You’re a great speaker! But I still don’t believe a word of what you say.”

And he votes. He even traveled home from [Socialist] France to vote Republican in the November elections. But I love him anyway.