
FL Gov. Scott to Sign Bill Muzzling Doctors on Gun Safety

Eclectic Cyborg5/08/2011 12:19:05 pm PDT

That’s it! I’ve completely had it with this bullshit!

I could say a lot of things and mean every single one of them but most of them would get me banned.

So let me say this: It’s NOT about “limited government”, it’s not about “fiscal responsibility” and it’s not about “free markets”. It’s about making the rich richer and poor ignorant…in the name of God they claim to understand yet seem to actually know little about.

And they love to invoke the names of the Founders in this nonsense and claim America was intended to be a Christian nation. If that was the case why was the very FIRST thing they added to the constitution and prohibition on religion in government?

Beyond that, if they had wanted America to be a Christian state they probably would have mentioned it in the ORIGINAL DOCUMENT.

The Founders wouldn’t love the America of today and they sure as hell wouldn’t love the America the right wing wants to create. You see in the Founders time people and politicians had a LOT more of two things that are sorely lacking today: honesty and integrity.

A free America is great if everyone plays by the rules and has strong morals to back that up, but when things start going off the rails and it becomes of contest of who can screw who the most effectively (and benefit most in the process), someone or some entity HAS to step in, lest anarchy reign.

The founders envisioned an America where a lot of rules would NOT be needed because people would have the integrity and morals to do the right thing the majority of the time.

Do you think George Washington for a moment EVER thought that corporate interests would take over the country and that politicians would just become glorified yes men for their profit driven overlords? NO! That’s exactly the kind of corrupt BS that drove these men out of Europe and to the new world in the first place.

These people like to talk about indoctrination and somehow teaching our kids that the environment should be protected and guns should be handled carefully and sexual activity should be done safely are “infringements” on our glorious “constitutional freedoms”, yet they have no problem teaching their kids that the first black president isn’t even a real President because he wasn’t born here and here’s an evil socialist who hates America and is out to destroy us all.

(is it sad I think my blood pressure is going up as I write this?)

I’ve read my Constitution and nowhere does it state: “We decree the people of the United States of America shall be kept ignorant henceforth and we trust our God to take care of any problems that arise.”

This bothers me to no end because we aren’t just screwing this generation, we’re screwing the one after that and the one after that and so forth. It’s said this generation will not retire as well of as our parents did. You think our kids are going to do better? The teen unemployment rate is at an all time high, more children are living with their parents for longer than ever before and good jobs are becoming more and more scarce.

It’s funny to me, one of the first lessons I learned from my mother was to “clean up your messes and put things back the way you found it” Why can’t we adopt this approach with our planet? It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to be an environmentally conscious person. You don’t even have to drive a Prius and keep three recycle bins out front of your house, you just need to be a responsible adult, a creature which is becoming ever rarer in American society…at all levels.

Think about students and historians 100 years from now looking back at the early 21st century. What will they think? They’ll think that the election of the first Black president sent the Republican Party off the rails and gave new mainstream acceptance to a dangerous brand of far right principles under the guise of “fiscal responsibility”.

It was said when Barack Obama became President that “change had to come to America.” It had, but the not the kind that statement was referring to. (continued next post)