
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

blueraven8/24/2011 11:46:39 am PDT

re: #63 Martinsmithy

A few are. But most opposition to such agreements comes from the left of the political spectrum.

Well even if they are for FT, some refuse to vote on it.

McConnell To Vote Against Free Trade Deals If They Include Aid For Workers Who Lose Their Jobs

For months, Senate Republicans have been carping that the administration was not moving fast enough in submitting free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama for congressional consideration. And one of the loudest voices in favor of moving the agreements has been Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). “We need to change course. And a good place to start is with trade,” McConnell said just a few weeks ago.

The administration had been refusing to move the pacts forward without Congress reauthorizing the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which aids workers who lose their jobs due to international trade. Republicans allowed an expansion of TAA to expire back in February (even as they were advocating for their constituents to receive TAA payments).

Congressional leaders yesterday struck a deal with the White House that will reauthorize TAA in return for moving on the pending agreements. But McConnell is so adamantly opposed to helping workers who are harmed by trade that he vowed to vote against a free trade deal that includes a reauthorization of trade assistance:

So if it helps American workers to get retraining…no deal!