
Tech Note: Expiration Dates for LGF Polls

Atlas Fails9/09/2011 5:41:59 pm PDT

re: #72 HappyWarrior

Oh my god and Hitler had a dog too. The similarities are endless. But yeah I saw that on one of the pages and I saw it as a real cheap blow. For one, one DUI does not make an alcoholic, and two a presidential relative getting one isn’t a reflection on that president especially if it’s an older relative.

I think the GOP may need to find a new straw man. They’ve been ragging on Carter for the past 30 odd years, which makes sense; he was widely viewed as weak and indecisive while in office, and his landslide loss paved the way for the only conservative Republican president of the 20th century who wasn’t viewed as an abject failure. To an extent, I agree with the Carter criticisms, but I recently read that a poll showed something like 52% now approve of the job he did in office. Lots of that probably has to do with his humanitarian work, but the fact is, the majority of Americans don’t see him as the bogeyman.