
Return of the Anti-Fluoride Right Wing Loons

NJDhockeyfan10/11/2011 11:13:16 am PDT

re: #71 mracb

Breaking News: An Iranian terror plot has been stopped. Live feed on Fox News about 1 minute from now.

From ABC:

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted

FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States” tied to Iran, federal officials told ABC News today.

The officials said the plot included the assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, Adel Al-Jubeir, with a bomb and subsequent bomb attacks on the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C.

Bombings of the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were also discussed, according to the U.S. officials.