
Video: Newt Gingrich Jokes About Public Housing at a 2007 Fundraiser

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/06/2011 7:05:55 pm PST

As some may know, I’ve been following COP17 down in Durban… though the time difference is 10 hours.

Anyway, looking at the various news aggregators and the stories around climate change, the UNFCCC, etc. it appears as the critical mass of idiocracy has arrived. Story after story, but most are full of misstatements, or just wrong data. Besides the expected innumeracy even the basics of journalism, such as verifying sources, is abandoned.

The NGOs are too often on their own ideological wars, and these UNFCCC gatherings are not helping the case of dealing with climate change by giving a platform to those who really want something else than the nominal cause of the meeting.

In that regard this ineffectiveness reflects what is going on between the formal parties. The large nations, all of them, are doing their best to make sure nothing really much gets accomplished.

Which raises the question as to why they all go through this circus to begin with. I suspect that many of the powers that be are in fact afraid that they can’t really control the future of the international system to the extent that would make them feel comfortable. I also suspect that the vagaries of the financial markets has most nations’ leaders skittish. Thus they are not in the mood to do anything other than the status quo, something with which they feel comfort purely through familiarity.

I tweeted a couple of times asking if the UNFCCC has become the League of Nations. Probably most (of the few) who read that didn’t understand to what I was referring. It was simply this: when nations can’t think and act outside of the habits which are ingrained then the ineffectiveness will lead to a resolution that is cataclysmic.