
Fear the Vetting! Bombshell Exclusive: We Don't Have Obama's SAT Scores!

Gus5/22/2012 12:10:23 pm PDT

Pope Center

The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of North Carolina “dedicated to improving higher education in North Carolina and the nation”. The Pope Center originated in 1996 as a project of the John Locke Foundation, a nonprofit think tank concerned especially with individual liberty, free markets, and limited government…

John Locke Foundation

The John Locke Foundation is a free-market American think tank in North Carolina started in 1990. Its mission statement says the “John Locke Foundation employs research, journalism, and outreach programs to transform government through competition, innovation, personal freedom, and personal responsibility. JLF seeks a better balance between the public sector and private institutions of family, faith, community, and enterprise.” The organization advocates lowering taxes, decreasing spending on social welfare programs, and encouraging free markets. John Hood is its current president.

It is named after the philosopher John Locke, who was a primary contributor to what we understand as the idea of classical liberalism.
