
Live Video: Obama Speaks on Iraq

What, me worry?8/31/2010 7:53:40 pm PDT

re: #811 SanFranciscoZionist

DOn’t read the comments at HuffPo. Don’t read the comments at Yahoo. FOR GOD’S SAKE, don’t read the comments at AOL. There is NOTHING to be gained from going to such places.

I made the awful mistake of getting into an argument with an anti-Semite on Yahoo once. You know the ones who “quote Talmudic writing”? Days later I got a notice at my account that told me I had violated TOS, but they didn’t say exactly what, and that my next warning, they would close my email account. It had to be that conversation because I don’t do anything with Yahoo.

I never read their news anymore unless I’m following a link.